Wednesday, May 14, 2008


WAHHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! *Jumps for joy* Our class air conditioner is FINALLY fixed!!! After lord knows how long it's been. Many people have been falling sick these few days and in the HELL-MESSY state my classroom's in, (All thanks to *you know who you are*) my class has indeed become an incubator for viruses to thrive, considering the favourable temperature. I guess it's sooner or later that i'd have to take an MC.

Well...yesterday...Me and JH (out of no obligation) decided to clean up the mess *you-know-who(s)* made and we got rid of, a lot of news paper and stuffed toys. While JH was carrying the cushions, HE SAW A BUG JUMPING ON IT!!! he exclaimed "AHH AHH YOU CONG YOU CONG!!!!"(Direct translation: THERE'S A WORM!! THERE'S A WORM!!) So i ran there and saw a little bug happily skipping on the cushion. *ewwww* (goes to show how a pig sty my class is AGAIN thanks to *you-know-who*) guess it was some sorta lice or dust mite or bed bug or something like that...

After we cleaned the stuff and complained about getting rid of the bug infested cushion. Someone heard SOMEBODY complaining saying that it was our fault that we left the cushions lying around...(ha as always..pushing the blame.*no surprise*) They say that everyone was made for a purpose, well i think your purpose was to offset the imbalance of goodness in this world. Or maybe your purpose was just to piss everyone off?! o.O

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