Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Polluted Atmosphere causes this....
Thurned out that i did not have pneumonia (PHEW!! well..that's the good news..here comes the bad..) BUT!! I had Bronchitis...zzz...Doc said that my lungs were much better as compared to yesterday and she said that it was most probably the help of the anti-biotics...
Well here's the REALLLLLL fucked up part..that i hope will never happen..=x Acute bronchitis can progress to pneumonia and if that's the case...my o levels will really be fucked up..
The cause of all this shit!? D&T...I've been in the workshop pratically EVERYDAY even during the prelim periods and the time spent there is like 4 hours a day!? WTF WTF WTF!! So i guess the school should make it a must for all students(esp. graduating students cos they spend sooooo much time in the workshop.) to wear face masks....Oh well that's just a thought...
Bronchitis may be contagious and i'm not able to participate in sporting activities for like ONE WHOLE FREAKING MOFO-ING WEEK!!! And you see...my prelims just ended and this happens AND there's a handball game coming friday...BOO HOO!! =(
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Here's what happen when you put Mentos and Carlsberg
Monday Flu...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Physics paper was a KILLER although i tried my very very very best...i'm still not confident in getting the results i want for comb. science =// oh well..we'll see how it goes...
Going out to study with ziz later...GEOG GEOG GEOG!! somehow...i regret not paying attention during lesson and i guess this is the retribution i get for causing so much problems to the teachers...esp the humans teachers...=X
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Crash Coursing...
Within the short span of 5 weeks...He is executing a suicidal process...The process is know as Crash Coursing...
This results in a MAJOR increase of the stress hormones namely Cortisol and Norepinephrine...This may lead to depression or madness in some cases...
However, with the help and support of loved ones and friends...He may be able to pull through, or better still enjoy the process...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
But at least..i achieved what i set out to do...=P felt super duper hungry after the run...went to slack around then poured water on the top 20 positions...prize presentation..then went for dinner at AMK...
Here's the thing...i initially planned to go balling at 117 last night..i was so tired that after my bath...i fell asleep...(didn't take out my lenses and brush my teeth YUCK!!) woke up at 9 this morning...
Now going out to meet Sherman to go watch JH's TKD comp...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
PREEESENTINGGG!!!! Circus De 502!!!
Their First Act!! The four handstaning idiots...Ting Wei, Reggie, Jia Hao, Sherman
Their Second Act...The four DIFFERENT standing idiots...(With JH baring his ABS!!!)
Their Last Act...1 down 3 more idiots to go....=D
3.4Km marathon's tomorrow...i'm suppose to run....=( gahhh...i think i sense a sprained ankle coming up during handball session tomorrow, not allowing me to run =DD i just hate running long distances...cos i just don't have the stamina to keep running at a steady pace and i don't have the lung capacity to keep me in breath...I'm a heavy blob of moving fat and i'm ready to explode anytime....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sick as always
Woke up feeling feverish today...But nevertheless..still went to school..felt like shit throughout the day except when i was sporting..Then after that felt cold like fuck..Went home after lunch and took Paracetamol then went to bed..was half asleep..now i'm not feeling any better than i was in the morning and i think i'm gonna run a fever tonight...
Could somebody save me from the tyranny of this world?!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
OHHH MY F***ING !!!!
Here's another look of his BEAUTIFUL face!! =D