Thursday, July 10, 2008


Here's a peek at what the four of us did when we were bored during recess....

PREEESENTINGGG!!!! Circus De 502!!!

Their First Act!! The four handstaning idiots...Ting Wei, Reggie, Jia Hao, Sherman
Their Second Act...The four DIFFERENT standing idiots...(With JH baring his ABS!!!)
Their Last Act...1 down 3 more idiots to go....=D

3.4Km marathon's tomorrow...i'm suppose to run....=( gahhh...i think i sense a sprained ankle coming up during handball session tomorrow, not allowing me to run =DD i just hate running long distances...cos i just don't have the stamina to keep running at a steady pace and i don't have the lung capacity to keep me in breath...I'm a heavy blob of moving fat and i'm ready to explode anytime....

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