Try to play better, maybe i'll play with you someday after you improve. =)
In the mean time, find a hole in the ground or the wall and just to F@#$ off...
Went out with M.Y and Ivan today to catch YES!man. Sorry that gary couldn't make it cos he had school work to catch up with.
Laughed our asses off even before the show started...
My new year's resolution is to watch the Jack Neo film. ("Ah Hui ah, jia pah buay?!")
Went down to 260 to ball cos SKCC was closed. Played some fuckers there.
Tomorrow will be work from 11-12MN WAHHH!!!....and the sad thing is...Joseph and I (the 2 newbies) will be working with no other seniors...Hope everything will go smoothly. As Colin said. "Friday will be your acid test, and i hope there'll be no cock ups.."
Here're some pics that represent our emotions when we bball...
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