Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Went down to gym with BOSSman in the morning. I just don't know why I can't seem to find the strength to do the workouts properly. Cos my body doesn't ache (or feel"nua") the way i want it to after the session. Went for slack swimming at Anchorvale CC and it was HUGE!!
Had a few gos on the slides there and it was pretty fun...
Monday, December 29, 2008
This is the life...
Tomorrow shall be a tiring day cos i'm gonna hit the gym with BOSSman, then swimming, and maybe a bit of basketball in the evening...hmmm...not sure though....=s
I've been trying to sleep early these past 2 days, succeeded at 1am. Think i'm suffering from insomnia(Craig David) or something. The sore throat's still persisting and I still have the "symptoms of bronchitis" cough.
Well...here's something for your brain to chew on....
The 11C's that most(if not,all) Singaporeans want.
Credit Card.
Cheap Cigarettes.
Corrected Vision. (6/6)
Cup that has the printing "World's best boss".
Chefs to cook their every meal.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Work was SLACK!! today. Had very very very little people walking in...thus i had time with the guys to do what i did above! =x
Ate super alot of stuff today, all the blame goes to Jason cos he influenced all of us with his big appitite. Now i feel as fat as ever, crap....Amazingly, all of us, except for Joseph (spoiler!), were wearing red P.Tanks.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
It's just a game...
Do they really feel contented if they win just by sheer brute force?!
Doesn't the usage of skills and speed apply anymore?!
Ok, if there's contact between two bodies, I've got nothing to say because this is a game of basketball not netball. But does forcefully pushing really qualify as a legal move?! Or perhaps the intentional usage of elbows!?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Jingle Bells...Reindeer smells...Reggie laid an egg
Went to Godma's house last night cos there's a straight bus there from work. Celebrated then slept over and went to work again this morning...gahhhhh!! Worked the whole day through Christmas. (very first time for me.) Actually, not celebrating Christmas is ok...it's just that I MISSED OUT ON ALL THE GOOD FOOD!!! =( had to be contented with the fried fish soup they sold at the food court. =/
Had a spasm of dry coughs lately and a conjested feeling in the chest...Think the most hated bronchitist is back OH FUCK!! Here goes another period without sports.....
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'm the grinch
I'm hating everything now....nothing's going my way.
Save me from this misery.....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Too much of a good thing
Good thing there's work tomorrow, but it's P.Tank day, and i've no manly muscles to show...oh crap, i'll be a laughing stock....=(
Friday, December 19, 2008
Started bball at Sk in the morning, very little people there so we palyed a bit here and there, the M.Y had this brilliant idea of going down, and jogging around SengKang, great idea huh?! came back, played a bit more ball then went for dinner at around 5. Walked to many many many many courts but there was no one. Ended up at 120. (Hate the place, really) Balled till lights out, went to slack at macs while waiting for Ivan till around 12++...Something interesting happened...Don't know what happened after that cos we went ahead and walked home.
Bball again it is for me today. going out later and planning to bball all the way till lights out. ;D
Hope $10 can last me the whole day =x
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It shall be BBALL day for me again tomorrow!! Meeting gary and his brother first thing in the morning. Going for breakfast then bball allllll the way till lights out!! WOOO!!! SEXAYEEE!!!!
I'm damn damn damn damn bored...during and after work. It's so empty in the shop that i can take out the Menshealth and FHM and read them behind the counter -.-
Why do they even bother opening an outlet in E-hub if there're no sales!!! ARGHH!! Vivo, i want Vivo!!!!
iBounce & iBounce....
Gonna work tmr gotta go pack my stuff!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
All over again.
Tomorrow shall be BBALL day for me!! =D
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I just don't know what to do my friend, is life supposed to be littered with so many problems and obstacles?!
Anyway, goodbye RiverIsland. I'll miss the wonderful and caring people there. Esp, GX, Joel and Val
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
D for doom and D for dilemma...
should i go for work?!!?? AHHHHHH!!!
And i don't know why, after bball yesterday, my body is aching like !@#$%!! Think i'll most probably get cancer and die some time soon, or get soooo many injuries that i'll be immobile(Just like jo and Lau said -.-)
Ohh..and PrisonBreak is getting more and more interesting....=D
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Training was as usual, boring. Played 5on 5 again...and you know the results...yada yada yada. the only good thing that happened today is that the COMPANY finally wants me dead. They texted me!! =DD So i guess i'm going for interveiw tomorrow!? HOPE I GET THE JOB!! >.<
I really need!!
-A tan.
-To improve on bball.
-A GG7 so i can train.
-Many many money.
-Well rested sleep with no garang guni in the morning to wake me up! (fuck them)
-Someone to talk to =s.(cos i'm damned bored)
There's going to be training today, i hope..=s heading down to kovan later to get my lenses made then to training...DAMN long since i last played so today, i'll play my heart out, or at least till my lungs can't take it. Damn shit, working tomorrow again then thursday and friday, styock take!! AHH!! NIGHTMARE!!! it's gonna last till something like 1am!? NNB!! hope they'll allow us to cab back =D but then again, i think taking the train is a faster alternative.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
VIVO Island RiverCity
It's been a long time since i went to work. Saw some new faces around today...many LOL things happened...HEH, i now have to climb like 4m high,between 2 bars, to get stocks cos i can't use the movable ladder cos it's obstructed by the new stocks....BLAH!!! Better get some insurance before i tumbleeeeeeeeeee.....
Cycling has been fun, went to place i never imagine i would cycle to. Took my mind off a lot of things. =D It's gonna be a long week of work ahead for me, practically working every single day...but the pay is rather miserable...i've calculated...the very very very most i can earn is $960 =((( my friends are all earning into the thousands.... D= LOL!!! I found out that ALOTTTT of my colleagues are damn horny and ALL of them are vulgar....=x
Something i read at my workplace....
"Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes, this way when you criticise them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes."
so, your idea of a celebration was to start afresh...gotta love you for that...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Met the gang for dinner at Dohby Gauht, intended to go to Astons for dinner but the queue was freaking long, so we decided on Fish & Co. The queue there was no better. had to wait for about an hour till we got seats and perhaps 20 minutes before our food arrived? Some of them couldn't make it cos they either had to work or was going on holiday. Oh well, THANKS EVERYONE WHO WAS THERE!! =D THANKS FOR THE DINNER!! =DD & Thank you HuiXin for the 17 cup cakes >.< & to Ting Wei, (if you ever read this) I'll rememebr what you did...HEH!! your birthday's coming up soon too!!
Enjoyed myself today. Really did from the Bikini Bottom of my heart...
Now, lets just hope the COMPANY calls...=s
Should cows wear bras!?
You said you would, but you broke your promise. When i think back, it just makes me crumble. It's a good thing my friends are holding me up.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Planned to go down to Yishun so we rided to AMK for a quick bite before continuing down but when we reached AMK we didn't feel like going to Yishun anymore. After eating, went down to the bball court outside my school for some midnight ball, saw some bengs there so we played with them for a while before cycling down to Punggol End, THIS TIME MY CHAIN DIDN'T BURST!!!(Luky) After Punggol End was done, we went back to the basketball court cos WD left his nike cap there and good thing no one touched it =s
I reached home at about 4.30am for some sleep which i couldn't get cos i was tossing and turning all the way....=( till now, i'm still deprived of sleep D=
Monday, December 1, 2008
Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him a-drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
If I were the king of the world
Tell you what I'd do
I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war
Make sweet love to you
Sing it now...
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
You know I love the ladies
Love to have my fun
I'm a high life flyer and a rainbow rider
A straight shootin' son-of-a-gun
I said a straight shootin' son-of-a-gun
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
I wanna tell you
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
Saturday, November 29, 2008
But is that's the case, then why isn't my FUCKING ANKLE healing?! =((((
Bought a guard for my right ankle and i plan to use the lousy one i already have for my left...both my ankles are useless....=S
However...when i get home, i'm exhausted and then the mind starts wandering again...It's been a great improvement as compared to last time...
In the mean time, I hope NIKE calls =DDDDDDD cos i somehow hate my workplace although there're some wonderful people there...=s
I'm currently working at VIVO Island River city...If you know what i mean...
I know you didn't mean it...but it hurts real bad...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
First day...
Think i'll be soundly asleep tonight....
I didn't even matter, you would'nt even bother...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
JIA HAO PROM KING!!! Dunno which girl prom queen...
Cabbed home then went to bathe then down to HX's place for after party slack, it turned out to be a forum session. Started off with ghostly events then to tang ki (spirit medium) then i've no idea why to China's history and eventually everyone got horny (even the girls) and started talking about giving birth and all the boobs stuff x_x
Some of us talked all the way till 6am while some others were too tired and eventually went off to bed. Slept for 3 hours and woke up...ate a little then down to kovan for my treatment at the Sinseh's cost me another $50 (stop ripping me off fucker!) This'll be the last time i'm going down...
Work's starting TOMORROW!! WEEEEEEEEEE...(hope that the people there aren't fuckers or what.) MONEY MONEY COME TO ME!!!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Gonna be able to take out the bandages that're wrapped around both my ankles anytime soon..
Went to the cinese physician yesterday to have a look at my ankles, he said there were very old injuries hidden inside and that i'd to go back for further treatmeant(as usual) it cost me a whopping $50 !@#$% damn sad...now no money liaozxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Indecent exposure...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I'm Back!!
Just got back from class chalet. It was a blast, except for some moments where almost everyone was pissed off guess...This is the first chalet then i can get decent hours of rest on a comfy bed and i feel damn good when i come back home, no sickly feeling or whatever. (Many thanks goes to the 10L water dispenser and the water cooler)
Had BBQ on the first night and we had prepared wayyyyyyyyy tooooooo much food. The otahs were quite untouched as no one bothered looking for them and the satays were halfway through. Had many many other food and we decided not to waste them so we ended up giving them to the group next to us.
All the girls crammed in the room after their night activities so we guys decided to find an alternative place for accommodation. Ended up in 501's room. Total of 9 people crammed into a room of about max capacity of 3. (there were only 2 single beds stacked on top of those kinda mattress-y base.) So we made use of it by laying everything out and that's how you make 9 people cram in a space of 4 single sized beds. Well...at least we knew what friendship was and was willing to sacrifice for our friends at the expense of our comfort unlike some people who're just oh so very selfish.(Shan't mention who cos you jolly well know who you are.)
Second day was spent lazing around in the swimming pool in the morning then went to the food court to get scammed of our money. After that was beach volleyball till it started raining. Went back to our rooms and i fell asleep for about 3 hours after bathing. Woke up at 6+ to have cup noodles for dinner then slacked around till 10. Went to 501's room for Indian poker. Eventually changed to the number guessing game cos Indian poker was lame. Before we ran out of beer, i drank virtually nothing, but after we got new stocks, i think i was drinking the most!! WTF!!..Oh yea, and we celebrated HR's birthday for him. HAPPY BELATED B'DAY HONG RUI!!(We didn't forget your birthday. =D)
Got quite lazy to think eventually and ended up lying down on kelly(LOL!!)
Finished rest of the beer we had and retreated back to our rooms to battle the Zzz monster!!
Woke up fresh and perky today, left the room in a big mess and proceeded to check out.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
MCQ was rather okay today...made a few careless mistakes, but what's over is over...
Went out with the guys to recce some food prices for the BBQ during chalet...Went to Vivo to get TW's shirt then down to GIANT supermart...did a lot of alaf things there...here's one of them...ok fine blogger is screwing me up..can't seem to upload the pictures..zzzz
Monday, November 10, 2008
Here I go, scream my lungs out
If only i had long hair...but then again...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
1)Go class chalet.(that'll be filled with other people i dunno that're not from my class)possibly??
2)Find Ernest to get drunk and cry together.
3)Bball when i'm free.
4)Go prom night.
5)Work my ass off to i can support myself and not be a burden.
6)Pump gym!?
7)Go shopping after i earned money for poly clothes.
8)Go cycling when i can.
9)Go running when i can.
10)Clean my room.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Initially, i was surprised at myself for the little reaction i had towards what you said, after the shock of everything settles down realisation hits you and you know you've had it when you're just sitting there not thinking about anything except the past. Black and white just whizz pass your eyes as you lay there helplessly whishing you could grab hold of that moment and just wish that time would just stop there and you'd give the world for a moment like that.
I was never one who took for granted what was given to me, it wasn't easy but we managed. Yet, in just a short text, you ended it all. Just like how the Twin Towers collapsed in just a matter of seconds. I literally crumbled and was reduced to a pile laying in a corner of a room draining my heart out.
My hands are bruised, my head is aching, i just wished that this was just a very very bad nightmare that i'd soon wake up from. But it seems that it's the other way round. Everything was just an illusion nad now i'm back in reality the cold harsh reality that hits everyone till they reach rock bottom and try to climb back up again.
Actually i don't even know what i'm saying or if everything i've said makes any sense. I don't even know where was i these past 6 months. Maybe everything was just a nice nice dream and now i'm awake.
Picking up my pain from door to door
Riding on the storyline
Furnace burning overtime
But this train don't stop,
This train don't stop,
This train don't stop there anymore
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Jumpshot 3 on 3
Went for Jumpshot 3 On 3 yesterday...reported at 8 am in the morning but had to waste nearly 4 hours to wait for the rain to stop before we could carry on with the event..We did quite well in the group games, winning all the groups we faced, then came to the second round where we faced the team consisting of the combined stars..lost like fuck, i had to mark ROCK(WTF!) he was my age, damn tall, damn big sized and head a cool afro!? =DD
The night before, we finished balling and slacking at about 1am, i went to Eevann's palce to grab his bike then cycled home to bath and pack before going down to Wei Da's place. We initially planned to mahjong the night away at Jo's but Jo was such a pig that me and WD went back to his crib. Ernest called at 3.30am and asked where was WD's place.(He said he was driving but we all thought he was bombing instead =x) then we directed him and asked him to give us a honk.
To our horror, we really heard a honk and rushed down to meet him, he had xionged his mother's car and ask us where we wanted to go for supper. *shocked and excited* Went down to Srg Gardens and had prata at RK House, crap, didn't order pork LOL!
Then he allowed me to drive the car for a short distance.(eh,driving a car isn't easy.) When we came to a one way street turn. I stopped to see if there were on-coming cars and was BLOODY HELL MOFOING shocked to see a police car cruise by, Ernest WD and I were in a state of utter shocked when the officer was looking into the car from his window and we immediately turned off the lights in the car.*PHEW!* Had a change of drivers and Ernest took us back to WD's place. By that time, it was already 5am...Slept for 1 hour and then went for 3 on 3
Friday, October 31, 2008
Craving for sweet beverages....=x
Slacked at home after paper then went down to pick baby up from school....headed to PL afterwards as i was suppose to meet SOME PEOPLE!! (You know who you are!!!) but the person didn't turn up. Heh..wanted to go vegetarian for the evening with Wei Da as he "influenced" me to eat vegetarian, too bad the damn shop was closed and his mother's shop was rather a distance away..so gave it a miss...
Went the to PL, played awhile..then down to HGS, had match there...then once again back to PL. Watched the others played then i eventually went on a shooting spree on my own, rather a great improvment but doubt it'll be of any use...oh well...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's Karma I say...
When we were cycling back..Jia Hao eventually allowed the slopes to overcome his determination and pushed his bike all the way up while i was already on top laughing at him...Then it was when we were trying to overcome yet another slope when i changed gear and my FUCKING CHAIN BROKE!!! it was like!!! WTFNNBKNNBCCB!!!! We tried to find the missing part in the hope of repairing the bike on the spot but it was to no avail..=(
Then came an empty bus 82..i tried to plead with the uncle to take me in cos my chain burst but he was adamant about not allowing me with the bike...FUCK YOU MAN!!! Ended up walking home FROM PUNGGOL END TO HOUGANG!!! Actually, it isn't so bad walking with a friend, we talked alot of cock...it was real fun...
Thanks to Jia Hao for being a friend...=D
Sunday, October 19, 2008
hope i recover in time!!!
O levels are like TOMORROW!!! *OH-SO-EXCITED* (NOT!) think i'll most probably flung it far far away till the ends of the universe!? o.O stupid punggol and gang...the first time they saw me....told me to take 80 straight from my place...then can meet them at ITE macpherson...WTFFF!!!! KNNBCCB!!!
Seriously hope i can get into Biomedical sciences...=S I'm worried I'm worried!! (First time hearing me say that for exams...lol)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Drip, Drop..BOOMBAHH!!!!
Studying and Balling tomorrow i guess!? o.O
ima ina state of topsy turvy nowieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............................(Hangs upside down)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Time's running faster than Usain Bolt...=x
(Me talking to myself..a bit weird but yea)
I've no idea why i can't study, it seems everythime i hit the books, my attention span is like 15minutes!? Someone HELP ME!!!!!
This year really passed literally in a blink of an eye, i can remember it as if it were yesterday, the first day of school...and now, POOF!! O levels...How'd I wish(well, not only me but everyone else i guess) that i could go back to a few months ago, then i'll really cherish my time...But what's done is done i guess...
when exam stress gets to you, what do you do!?..............................
Play dead!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
As Singaporeans, we've got to know LAH!!!
-Used to express extreme frustration. Originates from the Army, where a "spider" was dirt in the barrel of one's rifle. If during inspection, you found a "spider" in your rifle, you'd have to strip it and clean it all over again. Hence, the term would be a rather common expletive uttered amongst recruits forced to clean their rifles over and over again.
Adapated from arcade games, where during the end of a sparring game, the words 'GGXX', meaning 'good game' and 'game over', will be displayed prominently on the screen. It is frequently used in its short form 'GG', both forms of which means that you are doomed (i.e. game over). Rumour has it that the XX stems from the practice of a 'redouble' in contract bridge convention. If you continue like this and don't study, your exam sure ggxx liao.
Jiak zhua
Hokkien. Refers to a skiver, or the act of skiving. Lit. "to eat snake".
Kan ni na bu (chao chee bye)
Hokkien. Vulgar. Lit. "Fuck your mother", this is the archetypal Singlish insult, but it is often used just as an intensifier akin to English "fucking", and commonly abbreviated as "KNN" in written form. The long form "KNNBCCB", meaning "fuck your mother's smelly cunt", is extremely rude.
Kaopeh kaobu
Hokkien. (哭父哭母) Complain too much. Commonly abbreviated as "KPKB". Literally "cry for your parents".
Ki Chia
(literally "Up the Car") Used to describe something very bad. Eg 'My exam ki chia liao.' Possibly derived from the action of an injured person being lifted into an ambulance. Another term used is "Up Lorry".
Kio Kuay
Hokkien(叫鸡)lit.Call Chicken. Go look for prostitutes
(copy) to take without permission. "eh, don't kope my homework leh"
Kum Lan
Suck Cock
Lim peh
Hokkien. Used when demonstrating authority, usually in a sneering manner. Lit. "your father".
Lim bu
An offshoot from the term Lim peh, used perhaps as a demonstration of feminist power, as opposed to patriachy in the term 'lim peh'. Lit. "your mother"
Luan hoot!
Hokkien. To bark up the wrong tree; to cast a wide net hoping to catch something. Lit. "randomly hit".
Mangali / Mankali
A corruption of "Bengali". A crude way to refer to ethnic Indians.
(verb) To vomit, especially after drinking. Also used in the Navy to describe sailors vomiting due to seasickness. A reference to the famous Merlion statues
Ngeow Chee Ngeow Lan
Extremely Stingy
Pu Bor
Teochew. Vulgar. Lit. "Fuck your mother", is extremely rude.
Puah Chee Bye
Torn vagina
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Went to Kovan after that to study..but no matter how hard i tried, i just could write a composition that is going to be dued tomorrow...gahh.....crap it..
I've gotta get my act right, do everything the right way...there's no more time for enjoying now!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Let's talk about Taxis....
Bought 2 books and stationery from Kinokuniya using the vouchers and also spent the $10 carls Jr. voucher that Cindy gave me....Till now, i'm still full!! WTFFF!!
Sherman is offically an IDIOT!! He said 3 things that didn't make sense today....
First Scene: Carls JR.
Sherman: Eh reggie, the iced tea hot a not ah?!
Reggie: NNB!! You go die la ask me this kinda question, you trying to be funny is it?!
Second Scene: Carls JR.
Sherman: Eh reggie, this coffeemate can add into my ice tea!? I wanna drink teh-peng
Reggie: You really trying to be funny isit!? Your iced tea not hot you add this, you wanna drink lumps ah?!
Third Scene: Changi Airport Terminal One
Sherman: Eh Jia Hao, Terminal 3 don't look as nice as T1 and T2 right?!
Jia Hao: Of course T3 looks nicer la!! Built later lei!! Of course better design la!!
Sherman Sherman, you're really the joke of the day, brightening up everyone's dull spirits due to studying!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! =DD
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Woke up with my whole body being unable to move(was more of morning laziness) then went to school for lessons. Slept 10 mins of E.Math away, then came Social Studies...was quite fruitful in the sense that i learnt how to answer certain types of questions. THEN!!!! HYPNOSIS period! (EL with Mazna.) i've no idea why the moment she starts teaching, me and JH would inevitably feel damnnnn sleepy...tried staying awake through out her lesson but gave up halfway through.
Played pokemon =x during recess break and then was free period...slept my free period away and i drooled on the table =xxxx MAJOR SECRET!! woke up with both arms numb and unable to move...finished school with D&T theory then out to lunch and back home to sleep before my torturing 3 hours of tuition that seemed to last an eternity...
34more days to O Level
As most teachers said "This is the final 100m of your marathon!! SO CHIONG!!!"
Friday, September 5, 2008
Suckie day...
Nothing seems to make any sense today..is it just me, or has the world stopped spinning!?
My body's aching, I don't understand a fucking thing that i'm suppose to complete as homework and my mind's in a whirl....
Somebody save me PLEASE!!....
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
to the very generous auntie that gave us 9 movies tickets to the gala premiere to the movie, The Days.
We went to Sentosa today to celebrate Hui Xin's birthday, could say it was a success although the rain clouds were threatening. Oh yea, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOW HUI XIN!!! (My daughter!)
Just when i forgot the feeling of what it's like to be burnt, i got a bloody sun burn on my shoulders today!! SHIOKKKK!!! XD
So we went to Vivo in beach wear and JH suggested to watch a movie...when we went to the counter, there was alot of people dressed formally and we'd no idea what was going on, then an auntie called me,(we felt damn lok kok cos we were in casual wear...)
(In mandrin)
Auntie: Boy ah! wanna watch movie?!
Me: Uhh not sure lei *pulls JH to myself*
Auntie: you and your friends got how many people!? i give you tickets for free cos my friends can't make it cos they all working
Me: uhh huh!? i've got 9 people,
Auntie: *Pulls out tickets and counts* here got exactly 9 nah take it!
Me: thank you very very very much auntie
Uncle (Auntie's Husband): I'm the one acting the tang ki!!
After the show...WTF!! I got interviewed in front of a freaking camera!!! It was like an instant oral and i really hope the interview doesn't go up on air =x
Monday, September 1, 2008
Catching up with old friends....and injuries...
And as if that was still not enough i sprained my own ankle when i landed from a jumpshot..WTF WTF WTF!!!
Now i'm walking with a limp and i got a bloody bruise on my right hand...ARGHH!! So tired...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Comon' stop acting like everyone owes you a living and stop throwing your weight around(not that you've any authority but yea) You're just a fat blob...trying to act as if everyone must act according to your bloody wishes just so that you'll not be creating a commotion.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The weight of the whole world off your shoulders
It's submision day today!!!! Although i spent like 4 hours sleeping last night i FUCKING happy today cos D&t is OVER once and for all.....
No more working in the dusty workshop,
No more looking like an idiot carry an A3 size file filled with shit papers to Kovan's Mac
No more "OH SHIT! Mental block how how how?!?!?!"
No more "Eh Mr. Kang/Yan dao how to do this ah?!"
No more Laate nights due to fucking folio
Time for Cindy
Time for studying other subjects
Sleeping time
Bball time
Slacking time
To all my other Sec5 Mates, the worst part of your graduating year (to me) is over!!
BUT! don't relax, let's carry on studying for our other subjects and let's do ourselves proud =D
I can finally say what i've always wanted to say.......
ooo anyway...there was a theft case in my class...wtffffff.......
Sunday, August 24, 2008
D&T is being a real pain in the ass as it had always been...Why have they got to put soo much emphasis on pieces of paper rather than workmanship of the product!?
It's not just some any ole subject that you can just flip to the textbook and get the answers...If you've a mental block...You're done for...DAMN!!
How i hate drawing 3D curves...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
This' To YOU!!
Sometimes, i feel like you're just like a coin, having two faces. But the only difference between you and it, is that it has some value to it...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Here's how my conversation went..
Examiner: So tell me, what kind of business would you like to start in the future?
Me: *Stares into space trying to find a bloody lie...* after a few seconds...uhh I think I'd like to start a business that has something to do with the F&B industry..My passion is cooking and i want to bring good food to the world...
blah blah blah...
This' how bad i went....grrrr...
D&T's killing every second of my life...it's either do or die! =x
Why does the ministry have to put soooo much bloody emphasis on 70++ freaking sheets of A3 paper?!?!? AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Heh..think i'll be getting my new shoes tomorrow...got $50 discount from adidas!! =DD
Friday, August 15, 2008
Calculated everything..got an A2 for my english...damn happy...(thank you oral and situational writting)
L1B5...17..haha...gotta work harder...as they all said...O level is the maing goal, so don't let your prelim results afect you...
Went for lunch at Sakae with Baby and was scammed =x....After that...went back to school to ball...I've no bloody idea why THAT teacher's so annoying!! GRRRR!!! Slacked a while..went down to ball at kovan till lights out...today was fun fun fun!! =D
Still in the process of mastering "Go Teardrop..."
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I got a C5 for my chinese...(rather happy cos i was all ready to drop.) But here's he fucked up thing...i got a F#@*ing Distinction fro the bloody oral...(As you all know..I can't freaking read chinese characters so how did i get a distinction!?)
Now, i'm left in a dilemma...cos ALOT of people are saying that it's easy to jump one or even two grades if you've gotten a Distinction for oral but the thing is that I've been failing Chinese since P4 and now i'm planning to get a B4 maybe even a 3 for something that i loathed and despised soooo very ultra much?!
Tang physcoed me to take it and here i am yawning in front of chinese papers...not understanding anything that's written on a piece of paper that i think is a waste of resources...
Got back some prelim results...marks are as sucky as ever...
Comb. Humans: 61%
English: -P2: 64%
-P1: still to come...
E.Math: 55%
Comb. Science: 78.75%
D&T: Still to come
That's all the shitty marks i've been receiving so far...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I'm Looooosing Myself
MT O's results will be released next tuesday...=x c6? c5? b4? A1?!?!?!
why do i somehow have an unpropitious feeling about what's going to happen between us!?
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Clean Bill Of Health!! (I think =x)
Only prescribed some flu tabs cos my of stupid runny nose...she said i could go back to sports, but not too vigourous...HEEE!! =D
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Fucking Broke
So in the end got persuaded by Kelly and FRZ to get the skinny that was showing off my fat ass!!
Then went to find a pair of sneakers to go along...didn't have anything that was my size...Proceded to Esprit to get 2 tees for like only $23 WOWOOO!!! Cos it was already on sale plus kelly's birthday month plus Esprit member...(total: 70% off)
Damage: $103, not including food and drinks...
Went to Jackson's house to play mahjong and ironically, Jackson didn't play but he was watching stupid shows online... -.-ll His brother played so i just sat around and watched as Sherman was losing badly..after like 3 hours the game finally ended and the result..sherman lost $5, Wen An lost $4 , Jackson's bro (Eric) didn't win or lose -.-.....
Reached home at 11+ heated up the food ate then went to pig the night away!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Polluted Atmosphere causes this....
Thurned out that i did not have pneumonia (PHEW!! well..that's the good news..here comes the bad..) BUT!! I had Bronchitis...zzz...Doc said that my lungs were much better as compared to yesterday and she said that it was most probably the help of the anti-biotics...
Well here's the REALLLLLL fucked up part..that i hope will never happen..=x Acute bronchitis can progress to pneumonia and if that's the case...my o levels will really be fucked up..
The cause of all this shit!? D&T...I've been in the workshop pratically EVERYDAY even during the prelim periods and the time spent there is like 4 hours a day!? WTF WTF WTF!! So i guess the school should make it a must for all students(esp. graduating students cos they spend sooooo much time in the workshop.) to wear face masks....Oh well that's just a thought...
Bronchitis may be contagious and i'm not able to participate in sporting activities for like ONE WHOLE FREAKING MOFO-ING WEEK!!! And you see...my prelims just ended and this happens AND there's a handball game coming friday...BOO HOO!! =(
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Here's what happen when you put Mentos and Carlsberg
Monday Flu...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Physics paper was a KILLER although i tried my very very very best...i'm still not confident in getting the results i want for comb. science =// oh well..we'll see how it goes...
Going out to study with ziz later...GEOG GEOG GEOG!! somehow...i regret not paying attention during lesson and i guess this is the retribution i get for causing so much problems to the teachers...esp the humans teachers...=X
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Crash Coursing...
Within the short span of 5 weeks...He is executing a suicidal process...The process is know as Crash Coursing...
This results in a MAJOR increase of the stress hormones namely Cortisol and Norepinephrine...This may lead to depression or madness in some cases...
However, with the help and support of loved ones and friends...He may be able to pull through, or better still enjoy the process...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
But at least..i achieved what i set out to do...=P felt super duper hungry after the run...went to slack around then poured water on the top 20 positions...prize presentation..then went for dinner at AMK...
Here's the thing...i initially planned to go balling at 117 last night..i was so tired that after my bath...i fell asleep...(didn't take out my lenses and brush my teeth YUCK!!) woke up at 9 this morning...
Now going out to meet Sherman to go watch JH's TKD comp...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
PREEESENTINGGG!!!! Circus De 502!!!
Their First Act!! The four handstaning idiots...Ting Wei, Reggie, Jia Hao, Sherman
Their Second Act...The four DIFFERENT standing idiots...(With JH baring his ABS!!!)
Their Last Act...1 down 3 more idiots to go....=D
3.4Km marathon's tomorrow...i'm suppose to run....=( gahhh...i think i sense a sprained ankle coming up during handball session tomorrow, not allowing me to run =DD i just hate running long distances...cos i just don't have the stamina to keep running at a steady pace and i don't have the lung capacity to keep me in breath...I'm a heavy blob of moving fat and i'm ready to explode anytime....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sick as always
Woke up feeling feverish today...But nevertheless..still went to school..felt like shit throughout the day except when i was sporting..Then after that felt cold like fuck..Went home after lunch and took Paracetamol then went to bed..was half asleep..now i'm not feeling any better than i was in the morning and i think i'm gonna run a fever tonight...
Could somebody save me from the tyranny of this world?!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
OHHH MY F***ING !!!!
Here's another look of his BEAUTIFUL face!! =D

Friday, June 27, 2008
After Xinthesis...went back to plaza to eat..i was drinking hot milo only while the other were munching away on their Sheng Mian...(pitiful)
reached home at about 1.15 something like that...took a bath then went to slumber...it was about 2 that i fell asleep...
Woke up at 5 to give baby a morning call then met at 5.30...did a bit of work then went for breakfast outside mall..(LOL..i'm allergic to fish!!) went to school....had lessons and PE!!
i just love doing this...
annoys you doesn't it!?
We played against 2 teams and won both!! (not bad for first timers huh) [PLUS PLUS PLUS I SCORED GOALS!!!!!]
After school...had SOMETHING on (allegedly tuition) then went home..was FREAKING tired due to the 3 short hours of sleep i had and my hands were freezing....went home...dozed off on the couch while watching tv..woke up at 6plus then went balling...(wasn't very fun)
That's all for my day....OOOOO!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NG JIA HAO in like dunno how many more minutes...You're finally gonna be 18!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm Back, Looking like a lobster
Had class outing at sentosa yesterday...went there, V-balled, swam and most importantly, TANNED (though i don't think it'll make a significant difference in my skin colour) After that, went to Seoul Garden at Marina Sq and we alllllll ate our hearts out, i went for a walk with Sherman cos he wanted to puke and by the time we headed back, they went out!! (I WANT MY ICE CREAM!!!!!) ZZZZZZZ
Went to the arcade with the group and palyed a while there. Then it was time to go home, when suddenly, Chi Heng realised that he lost his EZ-Link card...*SEH!* So we walked back to the arcade that seems like a hundred miles away...but the search turn out useless...walked back to get strandard tickets and trained home.....
Today...Mum went to M'sia for 2 days and i woke up at....2++...felt like shit cos half of the day was burned out...watched AVIVA open till 5 then planned to go down for bball so i called Gary...said was going Chomp Chomp for dinner with LOFO and gang so i tagged along...
Had super super super YUMMY lotsa dishes and spent 20 bucks the whole time there...
Took 136 home and there was an episode on the bus...woooo...interesting...but nothing happened....=.=
Gotta wake up for church tmr..then i wannna MUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG cos i haven't been mugging recently and i feel super guilty.....=(
Hope to find someone i can study with =/
i can't sleep when you're not by my side, i just lay awake thinking about us...baby, i miss you
Sunday, June 8, 2008
1 more day...
Day 5...and my body's still aching...=/
I was all psyched about getting muscle aches and all but now it kinda sucks...=/
Woke up late in the morning and decided to give church a miss..cooked a bit of chow and slacked around till 1.30..went out to work on my DnT folio...spent 2 whole hours and only managed to come up with some lame orthographic working drawing...zzz
Went home, got changed and went to lower for bball...proceeded to upper eventually cos the majority wanted to go there...Played with the people there and found out that some particular team was sorta dirty...got pissed and burned them...whole body still aching =.= GAH!!!
Why do they even call this stupid period a holiday when we're required to go back to school EVERYDAY it's practically just another school day for most of us except that the canteen stalls are not open and there's very little people in school...It's like crap..they call it a holiday, and we are either doing the homework given or back in school..well, i think it's just an opportunity for teachers to bombard us with assignments and a chance for them to take a break while we slog our hearts out...Can't wait till the O's are over!! gahhhhhhh.....
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tuesday: Went gym with JH after school, did forearm exercise, the my whole forearm was completely STIFF as in it was as hard as a rock after i completed my sets...so...i couldn't grab the weights properly after that for my bicep and shoulder exercises..did lower body...Not that bad....After workout, had Abs session, 100 crunches 50 obliques and 40 lower abs...went home....
Wednesday: Woke up and found that both my hands could not stretch to their full lengths due the the bicep workout...tried to sit up on my bed and found out that my abs were really ACHING!!! rolled out of bed LITERALLY!!
Went to school for lessons and it wasn't that bad although i couldn't stretch my arms...decided to go gym again after school but was planning to work on different muscle groups. Went for gym, did chests, tricep and back arm...did lower body...then abs this time, it was 150 crunches 50 obliques 40 lower abs...my abs were already super aching but i ignored them and continued killing myself despite not being able to lift my body off the floor without scrunching my face...Went for a short swim after gym...
THURSDAY!! : woke up finding my whole body unable to move without me yelling in pain..arms couldn't stretch...abs were totally not responding to my brain's signals...rolled out of bed again..only this time i was groaning in pain...Went to school...walked with my arms not being able to straighten..went out the same awkward way...came back home...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
After that went for lunch with B at Ichiban then went home and packed for the night...
Met Jeolyn and Kelly at Hg mrt then trained down to Serangoon to meet Nicole and to wait for the ever so late Fariz...Went to Sentosa, played a bit of frisbee and then joined some strangers for beach volleyball quite fun!! =D played till evening then bathed and went to subway for dinner. Jeolyn and Nicole left and then there were 3...Here's where the adventure starts...
Went to Palawan Towers and fed bloody hell load of mosquitos while we were crapping the night away...Talked a lot of crap and burned a lot of tissue to smoke the area (Fariz's BRIGHT idea...) lol his paper cup eventually got burned and i took his melted slurpy to extinguish it..(He kept harping about it later on) slacked till 2 plus then decided to shift to another location cos there were farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tooooo mannyyyyyy mozzies!! gahhhh...
Yes we did shift..but to where?!?! VIVO CITY!!! (Kelly's ultra bright LED idea) spent about an hour trekking from Sentosa to Vivo city then they both slept there for a few minutes(i couldn't fall asleep cos it felt tooooo weird) until 4
Kelly's (Ultra bright multi-coloured LED) idea was to cab down (despite the mid-night charge) to Kovan's Mac so we could have breakfast and slack there till she could go home...while in the cab...fariz became our permanant pillow/bolster/heat pack...LOL!
Reached Kovan, i fell asleep straight away as they had their breakfast....then woke up at 6 to find them asleep...so i had my breakfast...then back home to use the CLEAN toilet and to my wonderful bed!! Woke up at 3...zzzzz falling sick AGAIN!!
afterall..it was an adventurous/tiring night..WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
O levels (MT) in 3 days time!! =x
Was feeling a bit feverish and knew a sore throat was coming up..BUT decided to go ball at 117. Played with the many jokers there. Back home
And now...i'm feeling super feverish and super sore throat-ish (what lousy vocab).....Think i'm gonna be taken ill tomorrow...Are all these stupid F***ed up syndroms caused by stress and the late nights i've been having!?
Chinese is in 3 days time and i seriously hope i don't fall ill or at least, recover before that....GAHHH!! WHY MUST THEY HAVE CHINESE DURING THE MID YEARS!!! WHY NOT ENGLISH OR SCIENCE OR SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Pulls hair out*
With you by my side, nothing else matters....i love you...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Well...yesterday...Me and JH (out of no obligation) decided to clean up the mess *you-know-who(s)* made and we got rid of, a lot of news paper and stuffed toys. While JH was carrying the cushions, HE SAW A BUG JUMPING ON IT!!! he exclaimed "AHH AHH YOU CONG YOU CONG!!!!"(Direct translation: THERE'S A WORM!! THERE'S A WORM!!) So i ran there and saw a little bug happily skipping on the cushion. *ewwww* (goes to show how a pig sty my class is AGAIN thanks to *you-know-who*) guess it was some sorta lice or dust mite or bed bug or something like that...
After we cleaned the stuff and complained about getting rid of the bug infested cushion. Someone heard SOMEBODY complaining saying that it was our fault that we left the cushions lying around...(ha as always..pushing the blame.*no surprise*) They say that everyone was made for a purpose, well i think your purpose was to offset the imbalance of goodness in this world. Or maybe your purpose was just to piss everyone off?! o.O
Friday, May 9, 2008
Had PE then chinese tuition after school ( it's killing me!!! X/ ), was suppose to go out with B but she couldn't make it... =( Came home after tuition and slacked in a mossy corner of the room till it was time to go out and ball. Didn't ball much, a few games or so then slacked around the court...
Chinese tuition again tomorrow morning in school ARGHHH!!! speaking of chinese, here's the shit that i'm getting, 1 formal letter writing and one newspaper report writing everyday...let me reemphasize that it's EVERYDAY!! May be balling tomorrow...hmmm not sure !??! =/ But i hope tomorrow will be fun though.... =D
*B seems sick, hope you get better =/ ILY*
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
crap again!!
Notice i've been splurging *lords know on what* these few days, and the school is really being a bloodsucker..i've been paying an average of $10 every week for stupid stuff for lessons since 2 weeks before home coming...so now, i'm freaking broke and fat!! "is my eating disorder due to stress?! Hmmmmmm....." BLOODY LARGE HOLE IN MY WALLET/ATM CARD/ BANK ACOUNT!! =/
*I ain't in the best of moods these days...so for your own safety don't piss me off...*
_I_ ._. _I_
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Now i can't stop coughing, sneezing and having a blocked nose, and it's pretty annoying considering the fact that i've to go to classrooms that are air-conditioned and some non air-conditioned.
Yesterday was quite pretty. Had Fitness Test in school and it's the first time i got a gold x)
Had chinese tuition in school till about 5+ and then it was back home. Was rather sleepy by then, but decided to go for ball...so i went. Came back at 10.30pm and heated some food. Watched Da Vinci Code and ate at the same tme and after all was done, it was around 12++
Decided to go to bed cos i had extra chinese lessons today again...grrr...after lessons, went to watch Doomsday with sherman and friends and we laughed our asses off at the saddistic way some people were killed, after that went pooling for a short while and now i'm back home wasting my time not planning to do my work cos i feel freaking restless all thanks to the flu!! =(
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Went in, settled down, ordered a few dishes then went to walk around the conveyor belt and took a few pieces of shushi...
Jia Hao ordered like 2 plates of salmon sashimi together with wen an and i ordered a tuna sashime. (there were still many more....) So after all in all..Jia Hao ordered 6 plates of salmon sashimi and Wen An ordered 4!? something like that....
Came out of the restaurant f***ing full...met Ting Wei and Sherman and took a walk down to Heeren. Procedded to Meridian for pool and it costed us a hefty $18 /table. Slacked around Dohby...bought MILK! then eventually went back to Hougang, it was like 10.30?!
Then Sherman (I am clueless to why he is sooooo addicted to pool) suggested going to Hg plaza for a game of pool....-.- Pooled till about 11.30 then was about to walk home when we saw my old instructor at the food court..sat there talked cock kept laughing at crazy people and left only about 12.15....Reached home, took a bath then knocked out!
Woke up at 10 and prepared to go to school for chinese lessons. Ended at 1 then went for lunch. Then to Sherman's cosy room for yet another round of chinese lesson. Left his place at about 4 plus and was quite tired at that moment. Went to popular, got some stuff using the voucher and THEN!!! Sherman suggested pool again!!! WTF WTF WTF WTF!!! Feeling so damned bored, i agreed. Played and lost all the rounds except for 1...zzz (goes to show how sucky i am at pool.)
Went home for dindin then went out for ball. played played palyed till the lights went out and now i'm back home rotting...
that's all world!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Planed to go ball in the evening but the rain came super unexpectedly and it was really pouring, Ru Bin's dad kindly sent us home and i guess i slacked the whole night through?! Felt like shit not doing anyhting but lazing in front of the com....GUILTY!!!
I don't care!! I've to create a study plan for myself, and i shan't be at home cos the com will distract me from working THUS! I shall find a nice place to study and maybe someone to study with to top it off.... L> for study khakis!!
Regretted not buying the Gilbert Arenas TS...got nike zoom touch low instead, but i'm happy with it...hmmmmmm...shall ball one day...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Homecoming Cum Speechday
Went for speech day in the morning (Had to wake up FREAKING early!!) talked cock..took prizes then pictures and finally down for homecoming!
This year practically sucked cos it rain freaking heavily on homecoming and that costed a lot of classes thier business...ARGHHH to the rain!!
Despite the rain...it was rather fun walking around doing nothing i guessed...then i helpped out at the stall by frying the wedges that were selling for like $1.50/pack that consisted like 7 pieces or less =x Spent like an hours +++ frying and after finishing the stock Wen An came to me with 6 marinated Chix wings asking me if i could deep fry them...Despite having no money to buy the wings...i felt super good standing there smelling them as they were sizzling in the hot oil...wooooo!!! Had like only a pack of pop corn chicken and 2 packs of drinks and that's how i spent my 5 dollars worth of coupons (this year was the first year i bought so little!)
Went home at 6++ then slacked and finally to bed!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Just formatted my com last night and was tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to get the internet up and running again....Tyco-ly did it just now =D ooo yea.....
My hair looks like fuck now(near marlet) and i've a fucking swollen/sexy upper lip that disallows me to eat or drink without squimishing in pain....now that's SEXAYE!!!!
Went to play bball with gary and some other people from my school this afternoon at the court outside school...palyed a nice full court match and managed to pull the ring!! WOOOOHOOO!!! =DDDD then went for boring speechday rehearsals then back home to screw the com....
Miss Mazna says that we're getting a $80Konikuya voucher (something like that, that japanese bookstore) And i freaking don't want it so anyone out there who want's to get stuff from Konikuya!? i selling the voucher for ONLY $50!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sportsday is tomorrow and i feel freaking pressured. I'm running 100m and my competitors are Roger, Fuzly, and Zaidee with his $200 spikes. 4x100m not sure who i'm up against but i know it won't be easy. They say the Individual sportmans trophy is still up for grasp X/ hopefully!! GAH GAH GAH!!!!
I think you can do much better than me
After all the lies that I made you believe
Guilt kicks in and I start to see
The edge of the bed Where your nightgown used to be
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remembered
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
While looking through your old box of notes
I found those pictures i took
That you were looking for
If there's one memory I don't want to lose
That time at the mall You and me in the dressing room
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remembered
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
The bed I'm lying in is getting colder
Wish I never would've said it's over
And I can't pretend
I won't think about you when I'm older
Cause we never really had our closure
This can't be the end
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Here's how it went.
Went for Heats in the morning and was taken out of 200m finals. But ran for 100m heats and came in uhh..first?! They said i almost broke Amar's record (i was slower by 0.01s). Then 5 x 80m was cancelled cos a lot of people didn't turn up. Ran 4 x 200m finals and came in first all thanks to our super runner cum hidden talent(as quoted by Mrs. Lee) KAI MING! WOOOOOO!! That's one gold!! =D
After that went balling with KH and gang. I met one super funny but super zhun beng there(not really a beng but some kinda old beng.) Kept playing and playing..till night?! Then went to KFC for din...Slacked here and there then home!!! Read Angels and Demons then went to zzz.....
All in all...it was a super fun and fufilling day =DDDDD
apparently what "THEY" said was false...i was 12.50 not 12.05 =.=(Edited on tuesday 25/03/08)
Allen Iverson in..."Practice makes perfect"
Friday, March 21, 2008
Yada yada yada
I went to church in the morning for 8.30 mass and spent 2hours standing as it was full house. Came home, watched some movies online then went out to meet Rubin and gang. Took a bus down to Far-East (i freaking almost vomitted.) Then eventually met Ken and his friend there. Slack slack, went Grand Cathay, planned to catch a movie but ended up at Parklane playing pool =.= (I went for the Initial D machines there and broke their records =D ) Waited for KH to come from his game which he lost to R.I. then back to Cathay cos he wanted to eat his dinner. Left them there, went to JH's place to get the spikes then back to my loft.
Oh crap...gotta report at 7.30am tomorrow for Heats. And i'm running screwy events which i've no confidence in getting even the top 3
- 200m.
- 200m x 4 relay.
- 50m x 8 relay.
The older guys are running so there goes the Cup this year for falcon..=/
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
OOOOOOOO!!! can't wait!!
Gah..i'm stressed....stupid DnT ain;t working out and chinese is about to get heavier and heavier, that doesn't include the load from my other subjects yet...=/
you're starting to piss me off.....
Saturday, March 15, 2008
After that, rushed home then out again to kovan to study with kel and sher. studied like about an hour or so!? then went to PL to watch match. Found some friends there and decided to go Hua Guo Shan to ball. Went back to PL in the evening only to get thrashed by the teams there =.=zzzz
Went for dindin, went home.
Just when i saw a glimmer of hope, you closed the door .
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
And i can't go balling on Friday cos i've gotta go to church for Passion play. (now that realllllyyy sucks.)
My life's boring and it revolves around a fixed routine...=.= That sucks...