Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Polluted Atmosphere causes this....

Went to the docs today after school...was rather anxious to see what the radiologist had to say about my lung X-ray...

Thurned out that i did not have pneumonia (PHEW!! well..that's the good news..here comes the bad..) BUT!! I had Bronchitis...zzz...Doc said that my lungs were much better as compared to yesterday and she said that it was most probably the help of the anti-biotics...

Well here's the REALLLLLL fucked up part..that i hope will never happen..=x Acute bronchitis can progress to pneumonia and if that's the case...my o levels will really be fucked up..

The cause of all this shit!? D&T...I've been in the workshop pratically EVERYDAY even during the prelim periods and the time spent there is like 4 hours a day!? WTF WTF WTF!! So i guess the school should make it a must for all students(esp. graduating students cos they spend sooooo much time in the workshop.) to wear face masks....Oh well that's just a thought...

Bronchitis may be contagious and i'm not able to participate in sporting activities for like ONE WHOLE FREAKING MOFO-ING WEEK!!! And you see...my prelims just ended and this happens AND there's a handball game coming friday...BOO HOO!! =(

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