Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm done for....

Tomorrow will be the make or break.

Everyone(at least i think so) is anxious to know if they scored well and i think there'll be many experiencing insomnia due to anxiety. Well, i'm reallllll afraid that i'll screw my results up. I've ever thought of suicide, but then again, i don't think it'll be fair towards my loved ones...I reallly don't know what i'm gonna do when i recieve the result slip and the grades aren't what i desire them to be. Think i'll just go silent the rest of the day while others are celebrating. What we'll be receiving tomorrow will determine our future and our lives...If we got into the post tertiary institutions that we want to, the courses that'll determine our future careers, the peer influence that'll change our perspective towards life and everything else.

Let's just hope we get what we want. =D

Predictions for top scorers....
1) Ting Wei
2) Nicole
5)Jian Wen
6)Jia Hao
7)Hui Xin
.....well can't think of anymore...just for your info the names aren't arranged in accordance to any order whatsoever.

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